When you’re reading or skimming argumentative essays… here is a quick trick that may save you much time and effort, especially in this age of…
1. In this skeleton argument, references to pages of the core bundle will be in square brackets, in bold print, with the prefix “core.” References…
A lot of people put chronologies inside other documents, most commonly written submissions. This is not a terrible sin, but it’s normally better to keep…
One of the things you do in a tribunal hearing is read how you’re coming over to the panel. Then you can adjust your approach…
A standard instruction that turns up from time to time in case management orders goes: Legal submissions (if any) shall be in writing and accompanied…
Inspector Gregory: “Is there any other point to which you would wish to draw my attention?” Holmes: “To the curious incident of the dog in…
It is often useful to number issues or similar topics. It provides structure and organisation. For example, in a written submission it is common to…
A number of people have commented or emailed about “Do not submit” which recommended that advocates eliminate “I submit” from their vocabulary when addressing the…
Many lawyers write and say things like: In my submission, the employer failed to follow a fair procedure This, I submit, was an act of…
The Court of Appeal has commented on the proper use of skeleton arguments in Tombstone Ltd v Raja & Heals. Although the case had nothing…