The length of the hearing

Estimating the length of the hearing is difficult, because it depends on so many different factors, only some of which will be in your control. This is discussed in some detail in the book at paragraphs 8.3-8.7. One further point to bear in mind is that you may need to revise your view in the course of preparing the case.

The point at which it is most likely to become clear that the case has not been given long enough is when the witness statements are exchanged. If these are much longer than expected, you should think about whether you will need extra time to complete the hearing. Unfortunately, witness statements are rarely exchanged more than a couple of weeks before the hearing. Of course, if the reason why you are going to need more time is that your own statement is very long, you will have more notice of that. In either event, apply for the case to be re-listed as soon as you possibly can once you have realised that you need to. Explain in your letter what has changed since you agreed the original listing.

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