Video or audio evidence
Occasionally one party or the other wants to play CCTV footage or audio recordings to the tribunal. I have two suggestions on this:
1. Don’t
Or don’t if you can help it, anyway. If you have a recording of a conversation, it will normally be more convenient for the tribunal if you can agree a transcript of any relevant parts with the other side. If the recording is clear, the other side will probably agree with you who said what, and confine themselves to arguing about what it meant or whether it mattered. If the recording is unclear, the tribunal is likely to be bored and irritated if they’re made to listen to it, and it won’t help. Similarly with CCTV or video footage: if possible, just agree with the other side what it shows so that you can tell the tribunal without making them watch it.
1. If you do, make it as painless as possible
If you can’t get the other side to agree a transcript or a description of the material and you think it is important that the tribunal sees or hears it, there are various things you can do to minimise the inconvenience: